Category Archives: Article

How Do I Know It’s Time to Change My HOA/COA Management Company?

The role of a property management partner is to make life easier: streamline operations, optimize efficiencies, and generally make sure everything is running smoothly. When operations get off track, take a step back to consider whether this is a simple bump in the road or a sign that it might be time to move on.…

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Hiring Professional Management for Your HOA/COA

Five benefits to having a professional management company working for your community Living in an HOA/COA community comes with many advantages, but volunteers serving on boards often find determining, managing, and enforcing their responsibilities to be challenging. Working with a professional HOA/COA management company can provide significant benefits and lessen the load of volunteer boards.…

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The Role of the Homeowner’s Association Board, the Management Partner, and the Homeowner

Planned communities with multiple governing bodies have many responsibilities to manage. The Homeowner’s Association Board, the management company, and the homeowner all play important roles in creating a vibrant, appealing, valuable community. Successful communities clearly define which tasks fall under the purview of each entity to ensure the highest quality living environment. In this article,…

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How Personalized COA Management Can Increase Satisfaction in Luxury High Rises

Luxury high rises are increasingly competing on more than just refined features and community amenities. Residents want and expect opulent experiences. It takes a more thoughtful mindset to deliver on these expectations. Offering personalized service and tailored attention requires a management team that has expertise in providing experiential amenities. Condo owner association (COA) boards will…

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Towne History: As told by Neil Bortz, Founder and Chairman

"In my second year at Harvard Business School, I was planning to return to Procter & Gamble's Advertising (Marketing) Department, where I had worked for eight months before going to business school. With that in mind, I bought a fixer-upper on Mt. Adams, then a declining neighborhood, which I nevertheless found charming, with the intention…

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